Video Blogs

Playing Fair With Collision Tiles

In this video I present my perspective on what I call "playing fair" with the player. Some folks in their beginning game decided to put collision tiles in maze patterns without laying brick over the collision tiles to communicate to the players where the "walls" were.

This can be an interesting thing to do. But, not for a beginning gamer or game designer.

In the video I show an alternative that I think might be a run way to do both -- hide collision tiles AND still play fair.

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Design Workflow & Testing

Long video.....

Here's the short form:

In order to give yourself the opportunity to learn a few basic lessons about level design you need to walk through the levels. Yes, actually walk your own game levels.

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Shadow Review & Fixes

In this video we review levels submitted by three of our Junior Jiffy World Makers. The fixes applied here will give an example of the most common shadow mistakes, oversights, and typos that can occur.

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